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"Solo: A Star Wars Story" Movie Review #2

Good god - What have you done to the beloved Star Wars franchise Kathleen Kennedy? Not only was Solo: A Star Wars Story not a movie we necessarily needed but aside from special effects which are impeccable it did absolutely nothing particularly well.

We'll just get right into the negatives - and there are a lot. Solo starts strong but its descent begins with the addition of L-3, Lando Calrissians robotic co-pilot and love interest (yeah, that's a thing) who just seems there to scream for equality and add no real weight to the plot. The Lando/Han dynamic leaves much to be desired and doesn't explain how the two can have the relationship they have when we meet Lando again in Empire. Then again, while Chewie is a lone bright spot in an otherwise desolate wasteland of film - even Han and Chewbaccas dynamic is not adequately developed. Don't even get me started on the "reveal" in the third act. The talent of actors like Donald Glover is almost completely wasted.

Solo: A Star Wars Story may indeed be the worst Star Wars film to date. Judging by the last two films and their low audience scores it begs the question: Have good Star Wars films gone to a galaxy far, far away?

Acting and Casting - 1 | Visual Effects and Editing - 2 | Story and Message - 0 | Entertainment Value - 1 | Music Score and Soundtrack - 1 | Reviewer's Preference - 0