Even before ForReel, I have always enjoyed sharing my opinions and having conversations about movies. What’s great about ForReel is that not only is it now my hub for sharing my opinion about film, but it’s has also opened up amazing opportunities to talk with actors, filmmakers, and film industry professionals about movies and filmmaking, and I couldn’t be more grateful to be able to do what I do here.
Since 2018, I have been honored to produce content on films and film festivals releasing in North America. It’s been incredible covering festivals like Sundance, SXSW, Tribeca, and Fantasia remotely, and attending festivals like Seattle International Film Festival, Vancouver International Film Festival, North Bend Film Festival, and Toronto International Film Festival in person as accredited press. I greatly enjoy being able to report on the incredible films these festivals are showcasing and share reviews on festival selected films.
Of course, I could not do everything on this website alone. ForReel is made possible by an incredible team of writers and content creators, and I sincerely thank Taylor Beaumont, Todd Pengelly, Marty Millman, and Tim Nagle for their contributions to the website. I consider myself exceptionally privileged to work along side these fellow film fans and fantastic writers.
Regarding a little more on my own background, I am was born and raised here in the Pacific Northwest. I grew up on Whidbey Island with my parents and four brothers until 2008. I went to college at Washington State University where I got my Bachelors degree in Marketing
I’m here now operating ForReel because I am invested in sharing the power of cinema as much as possible. It has been an incredibly enlightening experience having the opportunity to experience films that fly under most people’s radars and also talk with actors, filmmakers, and industry professionals about their work with making movies.
I hope that readers find the content I have to offer here at ForReel as valuable as I do. Being involved in the film industry means constantly learning new things and being open to new experiences - something I hope shows in my work and the content I share. ForReel tho, check out our content and connect with us.

my FIRST REVIEW on forreel: IT (2017)
“The biggest highlight in IT though was, in fact, Pennywise. The things they do with this clown and its tricks in the movie is beyond frightening.”

Here are 7 films streaming virtually that you should make time to see.