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"Avengers: Infinity War" Movie Review

When a movie studio spends 10 years crafting a cinematic universe featuring 18 movies and a team of countless superheroes, the payoff cannot just be big and loud. It has to be rewarding. That payoff in Avengers: Infinity War is nothing short of astounding.

There is some keeping up to do when watching Infinity War, though. While the movie is comprehensible without significant knowledge of the various backgrounds, it's easy to feel left out as the undoubtedly packed theater reacts to motifs, references, and cameos from previous films.

For those audience members, Infinity War might be a "meh" entry to an overpopulated universe. But for the fans...the ones that binge watched the MCU or already know it by heart...every scene that introduces a familiar character evokes a reaction. And the action that ensues, crossing favorite characters in each other's domains, is exactly what we spent 10 years waiting for.

The ending isn't as satisfying as the rest of the film, but the movie's consequences will likely come to fruition in the next Avengers film. For this one, half of life in the universe is at stake, but Infinity War is sure to command 100% of your attention.

Acting and Casting - 2 | Visual Effects and Editing - 2 | Story and Message - 1 | Entertainment Value - 2 | Music Score and Soundtrack - 2 | Reviewer's Preference - 2