"The Predator" Movie Review


Just when you thought Hollywood couldn't come up with any more idiotic ideas: climate change now causes an influx of Predator visits on earth. Or Something. Honestly, the newest Predator film is so campy it's actually entertaining - if you can shut your brain off to the mush that is the rest of this film.

The biggest name in the Predator is Olivia Munn - who is completely forgettable. The story is stacked full of plot holes and sci fi action movie cliches. If there's one thing that makes the film more enjoyable it is the campy humor among the mentally unstable military personnel. 

Let's be completely clear: The Predator is bad, really bad. But maybe it's just bad enough to be good. If campy monster mashes are your thing - sit down, shut your brain off and enjoy. 

Acting and Casting - 0 | Visual Effects and Editing - 1 | Story and Message - 0 | Entertainment Value - 2 | Music Score and Soundtrack - 1 | Reviewer's Preference - 2