TrueIndie Tuesday Movie Review: "Struck"

With the right direction, a small production can make a big impression. Struck, directed by Alexander Milo Bischof and Michael Couvaras, utilizes a 5-person cast and a few key settings to weave an intricate narrative for the young, privileged, and naive characters featured in the film.

Struck spends the first 40 minutes of its 70 minute runtime hanging out with two sets of best friends. It's a strategic combination of long sequences in the woods and handheld camera footage that swirls around gossip and the micro-dramas of high school life. Topics seem to sporadically bounce between college, social life, and sex, but the incredible thing about Struck is what happens after that first 40 minutes when things start to unravel. The plot eventually demonstrates the gravity of these conversations is not as inconsequential as they may initially appear.

Much of my praise for the film goes to the cast, whose organic chemistry with each other is what sells each scene for me. The handheld camera filming style for flashbacks was also a unique way to offer an even more intimate take on the characters' bonds with each other. 

It might be a slow-building story, but the connection Struck establishes between attentive audiences and its characters leads to a compelling and emotionally tense climax. The premise of the film focuses on the unfavorable consequences of telling lies and keeping secrets. So for the benefit of those who enjoy watching a mystery unfold, Struck should not be kept a secret.



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