Review: "Uncle Tom" Rebukes Political Stereotypes of Black Americans With Ease
9/12 ForReel Score | 3.75/5 Stars
“If you have a problem choosing between me or Trump then you ain’t black”
- Joe Biden
In recent history, black voters have overwhelmingly supported the Democratic Party. Black Conservatives were considered to be as rare as unicorns and routinely have had their “blackness” called into question. Larry Elder, a prominent black conservative, set out to prove that they are, in fact, not unicorns and to give those who haven’t already a chance to hear from others who’s voices are normally snuffed out. In both cases, Uncle Tom is a success.
The film opens in black and white and apart from current interview-like sequences remains so. It is an interesting choice from Director Justin Malone given the films deep dive into racial strife and history within the black community, particularly among black conservatives. Many of the stories follow a similar template: black voters who were staunchly democratic - many of whom were overwhelmed with emotion when Barack Obama won in 2008 - but who by personal challenges, research and otherwise became Republican voters.
Larry Elder, the man behind this film, was an awakening to many of those interviewed. In fact, Candace Owens was awakened by Elder at the same time I personally discovered him during a tense interview with Dave Rubin of the Rubin Report. The film is a noble attempt to bring this information to the forefront. How many people know who LeBron James, Beyonce’, or Snoop Dogg are? Now, how many of those same people know who Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Booker T Washington or Frederick Douglass are? That’s where this documentary excels - shining a light on a blind spot within the black community and throughout the country. The musical score is original but not spectacular in any real way.
If we’re gonna have a conversation involving race in America, this film should be one of the many messages that we look to. For now, we’ll take Uncle Tom as it is: an informative piece on black history and black conservatives who are obviously not unicorns by any stretch of the imagination.
Acting and Casting - 1 | Visual Effects and Editing - 2 | Story and Message - 2 | Entertainment Value - 1 | Music Score and Soundtrack - 1 | Reviewer's Preference - 2 | What does this mean?