"Super Dark Times" Movie Review

12 out of 12

The first thing I noticed as Super Dark Times opened was how creatively the scenes were shot. There's clearly a distinct sense of tone and atmosphere involved with the production. In my head, I say "cinematography: check."

The next thing that struck me was how natural and organic conversations between the featured teenagers were. I say to myself, "dialog and casting: check."

Then, there’s this intimate moment on a bridge in the small town that the movie takes place in where the group of teenagers pause their banter and just look out over the river with this slow, ethereal music in the background. "Pathos and emotional value: check."

It is at this point, no more than 15 minutes into the movie, where I realize that the tone and identity of the film is so strong, there is almost nothing it can do to cause me to dislike it. The drama and violence that ensues is captivating, then harrowing. And after this distressing story of tragedy, love, unchecked power, and betrayal was over, I indeed walked away absolutely enamored with the experience.

Acting and Casting - 2 | Visual Effects and Editing - 2 | Story and Message - 2 | Entertainment Value - 2 | Music Score and Soundtrack - 2 | Reviewer's Preference - 2

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