The Vancouver Greek Film Festival is taking place in-person from June 16 to June 19 and is made possible by a partnership with The Hellenic Canadian Congress of BC and The Cinematheque.
Read More“…Sandler - like most everyone involved in the making of Hustle - is a no-holds-barred basketball enthusiast; and Hustle is nothing if not a work of obsession.”
Read More“Machoian and cinematographer Oscar Ignacio Jimnénez work like they have before, relaying their tale via long/medium-wide shots and long takes, their refusal to cut allowing Joe’s follies to go from comical, to tragic, and back again in real time.”
Read More“Official Competition is not your typical comedy, as it leans more into darkness and absurdity, but for film lovers, it's highly self-aware take on the industry is masterfully entertaining and utterly hysterical.”
Read More“Guidance is right on the cusp of greatness. The film is brimming with stellar performances, expert direction, and dazzling cinematography, yet it falls short in expanding the narrative.”
Read More“It’s awe inspiring to see the expansion of Irma Vep. No longer hindered by time constraints that impeded the 1996 film, Assayas is able to fully indulge himself in the full potential of the narrative.”
Read More“Hot off the success of his film Joyland, which premiered at Festival De Cannes and won the Un Certain Regard award, Oliver Ridge joins me in a conversation about Corner Office"…”
Read More“Despite the film’s name, Navalny is not a biography of Alexie Navalny...It is, quite frankly, some much deserved anti-Kremlin messaging. And, as such, it is certainly well made.”
Read More“The phrase ‘finding the artist within’ holds new meaning here, Cronenberg maybe looking at his own ideas as the abnormal growths inside of him, maybe turning his lens on himself and finding the body horror in his own creative processes.”
Read More“…Offseason makes a number of cinematic choices that elevates this horror experience above other low-budget films - the use of chapters, of course, being one of those choices.”
Read More“I cannot rave enough about Sandler and his performance in this film. Despite his insistence on producing and starring in low-brow comedies…Sandler has proven he has the chops to hold down more sophisticated roles.”
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