"Deadpool 2" Movie Review #1

11 out of 12

Taking Deadpool, an explicit and under-recognized superhero, and making over $783 million worldwide with his first movie is practically a miracle. No wonder in Deadpool 2, the leather-clad hero feels god-like, despite simply being a potential X-Men recruit...trainee at best.

In Deadpool 2, he must unite with sidekicks Colossus, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, and a new X-Force team to protect an adolescent mutant from an abusive anti-mutant establishment, a man from the future (Cable), and a much bigger threat that is eventually unleashed.

No spoilers here...which is my way of saying Deadpool 2 has details to be spoiled...but what the production team has done here is create a successful comedy sequel. The witty Deadpool we’ve come to love on the big screen, in various marketing material, and not at the Oscars yet takes shots (sometimes literally) at any pop culture reference possible, hilariously aiming most of the jokes at fellow superhero franchises.

That said, there’s enough heart and character development to keep the plot focused. While improving on a film as fun as Deadpool is hard, any fan knows Deadpool is a fan of hard things. But what can I say? He’s really good at nailing it.

Acting and Casting - 2 | Visual Effects and Editing - 2 | Story and Message - 2 | Entertainment Value - 2 | Music Score and Soundtrack - 1 | Reviewer's Preference - 2

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